One of the first blogs I started reading is, Kingdom of Style(btw does anyone know how to create a link just using the name?)
The reason I've kept at it is Queen Michelle continues to inspire through a fantastic combination of outfit posts, new designers, and DIY. I can only dream of pulling off the outfits she comes up with, so for now I'll be content with this sketch I did at the beginning of this month,

Overall I am fairly happy with this, in that I think it conveys a certain mood I was going for, which was a bit of a Gothic, Wuthering Heights feel. It was rather spontaneous, with me finding one of my favorite outfits of Queen Michelle's and going from there(I am kind of creepy in that whenever I find a favorite "image" or "look" I immediately save it on the desktop). The challenge was how to convey a sense of transparency in the skirt, I've never really been successful with it before. I think if I could go back I would have gone for more of a yellow orange rather than so "yellow yellow" that verges on yellow green. But that's the point of these exercises. You learn your mistakes and move forward.